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Brandyol, investing in Turkey Discover The Secret Why Millions of Tourists Prefer to Go to Turkey

Why Millions of Tourists Prefer to Go to Turkey?

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Tourism is one of the fastest-growing economic areas in the world, with many countries relying on it for sustainable growth. It is one of the most quickly expanding economic sectors in the world. It goes without saying that tourism is a significant source of foreign currency across the globe. In order to accomplish their objectives and be successful, many nations are highly reliant on tourism. The tourism industry in Turkey had an important part in the development of this country.
According to the most recent statistics from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Turkey is the eighth most visited country in the world in terms of international tourists. Tourism in the Mediterranean area is currently mostly in the form of tour packages and is predominantly mass tourism, with the majority of visitors spending the majority of their time in hotels. It would be inaccurate to claim that the vast majority of these tourists return to their home countries, having learned nothing about the culture or natural resources while in Turkey. Thus, many people like to travel to Turkey.


Economic Growth Due to Tourism in Turkey:

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In many developing countries, according to Tourism in Turkey statistics, this industry is the most important export sector in the country. Tourism is the third most popular sector in terms of worldwide exports, behind only chemicals and petroleum products. From the same time last year to the same period this year, there was a 6.8 percent rise in international tourists. According to estimates, more than 1,323 million foreign tourists traveled to destinations all over the globe in 2017, registering a growth of more than 84 million over the previous year. According to official Turkey tourism statistics 2019, figures, A record number of visitors visited Turkey in 2019, with 51.9 million individuals traveling to and from the nation in 2019.
Turkey tourism statistics 2020, shows that because of new coronavirus-related travel restrictions and a decline in demand, the number of tourists in turkey 2020, is 12.7 million in 2020. Turkey tourism statistics 2020, describe that even the COVID-19 issue, this country is still the favorite destination for global tourists.


Why People Prefer Tourism in Turkey:


Turkey Travel Guide, shows that In Turkey, there are many different kinds of natural ecosystems, and each one is distinct from the others. Beaches, woods, coastal mountains, valleys, steppes, rocky slopes of the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Black Seas are among the natural features found in most nations. Most countries also include a substantial mountain range. The temperature of Turkey is likewise very distinct from that of the rest of the globe, as is the landscape.


Natural Beauty:

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With approximately 11,707 plant taxa, of which 3649 are endemic, 450 bird species, and 413 butterfly species, Turkeyโ€™s natural heritage is one of the most diverse in the temperate zone. It is home to some of the worldโ€™s most diverse ecosystems, including 450 bird species and 413 butterfly species that thrive in environments that support their continued existence.

Political Stability:

Having had 39.5 million foreign visitors in 2015, Turkey placed sixth on the list of nations receiving the greatest number of international visitors.
Since September 2015, the Tourism sector in Turkey, as a consequence of changes in its area and economic problems in the Russian Federation, the countryโ€™s economy has suffered decreases. In recognition of its significance as one of the countryโ€™s most important marketplaces, the 2014 tourist season was marked by heightened tensions and security concerns between the countries. This country received more than 36 million foreign visitors and accounted for an important share of worldwide tourist spending.


Constant Tourism Growth:

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The Turkey travel guide explained that a large share of the worldโ€™s tourism market went to this country in 2014 as it hosted almost 36 million foreign visitors. The tourism industry in Turkey, experienced a resurgence in 2017. The growth continued till COVID, and now, the growth is started again.
Among countries with foreign visitor arrivals, Turkey rose to eighth place in 2017 according to the UN World Tourism Organization, up from the tenth place in 2016. The number of foreign visitors to Turkey ranks ninth globally. This shows vital growth in the tourism sector in Turkey.

Tourism Facilities in Turkey:ย 

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Through a program focused on protecting the safety of visitors, relevant personnel, and passengers from COVID-19, plenty of Tourism facilities in Turkey, and tour and transfer vehicles have been awarded, โ€œSafe Tourism Certificate.โ€
According to the TGA, certifications have been issued to a total of 5,216 lodging establishments across the country.
Additional certificates have been granted to 10,457 facilities and vehicles, including 2,035 restaurants and cafes, 2,836 tour and transfer vehicles, 21 cultural and conference centers, 327 marine tourist sightseeing boats, and similar vehicles, and ten theme parks by 2021, according to the EPA. This illustrates a great growth in Tourism in Turkey 2021.

Turkish Cities to Visit:

Tourism in turkey statistics explains that three cities of Turkey are among the top 100 most visited tourist destinations in the world. According to the International Tourism Organization, Istanbul had 14.72 million tourists in 2019. Turkey tourism statistics 2019. Euromonitor shows that the poll covered all foreign tourists who stayed at least one night in the country and were able to provide their contact information. These are the Best cities for tourism in Turkey.


According to the Tourism in Turkey statistics, each of the visitors that arrived in 2019 spent an average of around 717 US Dollars. When it comes to vacationing abroad, the residents of Turkey spend just around 445 dollars per year on average, according to the World Bank.
Turkey covid restrictions for tourists are not strict. A total of 14 days earlier vaccination is essential for you before you visit this country. Or you should be recovered from the disease during the previous six months. Also, the situation of Tourism in turkey covid is under control, and COVID-19 restrictions do not apply to tourists.

Tourism Revenue:

According to the results of the Turkey tourism, study, the total income currently totals 42.35 billion USD, representing 5.6 percent of the countryโ€™s gross national product in 2019. Each traveler to Turkey currently spends an average of 818 USD during his or her vacation.

Top tourism destinations in Turkey :

Turkey features a number of tourist destinations that are ideal for vacation Travel to Turkey. Visitors from all over the world flock to its kilometers of coastline and old historical monuments, which attract millions of visitors each. Landscapes in Turkey are quite diverse, which makes it a popular tourist destination. When it comes to tourism, Turkeyโ€™s peak season runs from mid-to late-March through November. However, those interested in winter sports will find plenty of locations to visit throughout the cooler months as well. Here are some of the top Tourism places in Turkey.


Bodrum Castle in Bodrum:

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The history of Bodrum Castle, which is located in the Turkish resort town of Bodrum, dates back to the Middle Ages. The castle, which overlooks the Bodrum port, is available to the public for tours and is open to visitors. Various festivals are hosted in this castle on an annual basis, and it is also home to the Museum of Underwater Archeology, which exhibits shipwreck remnants on display. In addition, there are several islands off the shore of the Bodrum peninsula that are ideal for snorkeling and swimming. Attractive beaches and water parks, as well as bars and restaurants, are located close to the castle, making it a popular tourist destination.

Topkapi Palace Museum:


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Visit Istanbulโ€™s Topkapi Palace Museum, which overlooks the Sea of Marmara and has a collection of Turkish art and historical artifacts. Located in the heart of the city, this vast, spectacular complex was constructed in accordance with Islamic architectural tradition and contained several courtyards and murals to be seen by visitors. The palace is also home to one of the worldโ€™s biggest diamonds, which is housed within its walls. This structure, which was constructed in the 1400s and had historical ties to Turkeyโ€™s Ottoman Empire, is a must-see. It is one of the best Tourism places in Turkey.


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The Cappadocia area of Turkey is a popular tourist destination in Turkey because of its distinctive natural features. Ankara is located in Anatolia, which is in the countryโ€™s central region. The location has historical significance and served as a key strategic territory for the Hittites, the Persians, the Romans, and Alexander the Great, among other civilizations. This region is home to spectacular geological formations known as rock homes and fairy chimneys, which were produced by volcanic eruptions and deposits millions of years ago and have since become a tourist attraction. The volcanic rock found in the area has been used to construct a variety of buildings, including houses and monasteries.

Ski resort in Kartalkaya:

Those who are interested in winter sports in Turkey may find the Kartalkaya ski resort to be an excellent tourist destination. This resort offers visitors the opportunity to go skiing or snowboarding. This is an excellent spot for beginners to learn how to ski, but the resort also offers a variety of ski lines for skiers of all abilities. Tourists may also take in ski performances and demonstrations at night, which are very popular. It is one of the top-rated tourist attractions in Turkey.


There are numerous monuments steeped in ancient history in Iznik, Turkey, which was previously known by the Roman name Nicaea. These include the remains of Byzantine architecture, a basilica dating back to the fourth century AD, a mosque, and an archaeological museum housing ancient pottery and relics. The picturesque lake and orchards of the village will undoubtedly appeal to visitors.



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There is no doubt that mass tourism has played a vital part in the growth of Tourism in Turkey economy, during the past few years. It is true that the job possibilities to be the most significant advantage, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of these positions are seasonal, part-time, low-skilled, and low-paying. As a result of tourism, they have seen an increase in the price of their products as well as a de facto separation from visitors in coastal areas, where they appear to have lost the ability to use beaches and other coastal lands that were previously open to the public but are now exclusively available to tourists. Top Tourism companies in Turkey, can serve tourists.
Turkey has the capacity to provide a wide variety of tourist activities to its visitors. Many of them include seaside and thermal resorts, historical monuments, cultural and natural attractions, and many other destinations. This nation showed a wide range of transportation options for both tourists and residents of its area. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoganโ€™s 8th Five-Year Development Plan (2001-2005) included the word, sustainable tourism, for the first time, and it was also the first time the term sustainable tourism was used in the country. The idea of sustainability is also frequently referenced in the Turkey Tourism, Strategy for 2023.




  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Turkey
  • https://tr.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-2/
  • https://www.worlddata.info/asia/turkey/tourism.php
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/707699/foreign-tourist-arrivals-in-turkey/
  • https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/turkey/visitor-arrivals
  • https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/f3b16239-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/f3b16239-en#:~:text=Tourism%20in%20the%20economy,Tourism%20is%20one&text=Domestic%20tourism%20is%20growing%20in,-day%20visitors%20(37.9%25)

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